
New Job!

Obviously not the most aesthetically pleasing picture, but it's the only picture I have of Plato's (this taken as I was walking in for my shift). I started a new job, yay! I started at the beginning of February and I work part time--it's a great way to keep myself busy and earn some cash :)

In the 3ish weeks I have worked here I've already learned a lot. I haven't really worked in retail before (lesbihonest, working at Hollister was basically a joke--at least I got a discount during my short time there) and so far I'm loving it. It is fast paced so there is always something to do but I love my coworkers and I get a sweet discount so it's a pretty good setup. 

I've noticed on a lot of social media platforms many of people have complained about the amount of money they receive for selling their clothes. I'm not quite a buyer yet but I do help with buys so I'm at the buy counter a lot, and I just don't think people understand our selling process. First off, we do explain the process to all our customers. But just like how most people don't read all the terms and conditions before they sign things, I think customers kind of tune us out. Second, after we make an offer on what we want to buy the customer does not have to accept it. We always appreciate new inventory. If we make an offer on something that does mean that we want it, but ultimately it is up to the customer to decide if he/she wants to sell it to us. Since we price things at 50-75% off of their original retail price, we offer 30-40% of our retail price to the customer--that way we can still make a profit because it is a business. A lot of people are in love with our low prices but get angry or offended when they are offered what they consider is a low offer on their buy--we can't buy clothing and accessories at high prices and sell them at low prices, it just doesn't work that way. 

Anyways, enough ranting. I have a little ways to go before I become an official buyer so I'll worry about sorting buys and talking to customers about their buys when the time comes. I actually applied for this job on a whim and was (pleasantly) surprised when I got it. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and look forward to learning lots more while getting to know all of my lovely coworkers :)

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