
Life of Em: Chapter 19

Over the holiday break I turned 19. NINETEEN. Wow, that's weird, less than a year left until I hit the two decade milestone...and less than two years until I turn 21! Yay, I'll finally be able to buy...ammo...

When I was younger I used to hate the fact that my birthday was over break--I would never get to celebrate it at school with my friends and birthday parties felt a little incomplete to me because most of my friends were on vacation. Although I did feel lonely because my friends couldn't celebrate my birthday with me, I always had my family. All of my extended family would come over to my house to celebrate both Christmas and my birthday and that was actually pretty great. The feeling of loneliness was actually just a feeling of missing out, and that was only problematic during the years of elementary school. After I was able to actually find things to do with friends and have family parties, all was right in my world.

Anyways, now I really like having my birthday over the holiday break. No matter what I'll always be home to celebrate my birthday with my loved ones because I'd be home for Christmas too. And the fact that my birthday is so close to the new year because is kind of perfect because as I start a new year in my life, the whole world starts a new year too--well, those in the world who follow the Julian calendar... while many hate the cliche "new year new me" I welcome the new year and hope to make some changes. Of course one doesn't have to wait until the year changes to well, make changes but I view each new year as a little bookmark in this crazy journey called life.

Here's to a new chapter in my life, may it be filled with many wonderful adventures and friends, both old and new.

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