
FALL-ing in love with Utah ❤️

Well, this is my second year at BYU and I've been here for almost two months now. So far my second year is going a lot better than my first. I have the cutest apartment with the cutest roommate, and although two of my best friends from freshman year aren't here at BYU this year, I know that they're doing amazing work in Slovenia and the Philippines ❤️ I have so many amazing people in my life, and I think I just need to take a moment to appreciate that I'm in a good place right now. 

Fall/Autumn is absolutely amazing--sorry California...I love you, but you don't have seasons. I love driving around Utah and just appreciating the beauty that I am surrounds me. Having a car (well, it's actually a truck) in Utah has definitely helped me transition better, and it makes the fact that I live in Utah 100x more bearable. 

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