
Daytrip to Moab!


Well, this post is a bit late. We actually took this fun little day trip (well, at a time totaling to 6 hours round trip I count this as a road trip) on Saturday, November 8th,

This was a much needed trip. Arches National Park is absolutely stunning. Ecotourism is such a great thing because it gives people (such as myself) such a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the Earth for its natural beauty. This was such a great weekend to go because it wasn't crowded and the weather was perfect. The only downside was that I made the poor decision of making a spicy chicken sandwich from McDonald's my lunch--either the food was bad or I wasn't used to eating McDonald's because I haven't had it in forever, but my stomach did not agree with it. Other than a terrible stomach ache for the whole trip :( the trip was actually quite fun.

Our main destination was the Delicate Arch. The hike was actually pretty easy. I would take this hike over hiking the Y any day. It was about 65 degrees with some shade so that did help a lot. Moab is usually hot and there isn't shade so I guess if I were to do this hike again it wouldn't be as enjoyable, but overall the hike isn't too strenuous. There was a part of the hike right before reaching the arch that included walking a wide-ish path on a cliff? I don't really know how to describe it, but there was a possibility of me falling off of that (low) cliff and heights make me nervous. The actual arch was in a "bowl" area, so getting across the bowl to the arch was a little nerve-racking, but the rock has excellent traction so that helped a lot

We spent quite some time just chilling at the arch. After we made our way back, we headed to our next destination, Double Arch. The hike to that arch was only about 10 minutes, and we got there just before the sun was going to set so it was beautiful. Karol and I didn't climb any of the rocks on the first hike, but we both climbed in Double Arch and it was super fun! It also felt super safe to climb in there. After that we visited a cave and explored for a bit in there. 

Overall this was such a fun and beautiful trip. Although I would have loved staying in California for school, living in Utah sure has its perks. Honestly I was feeling a little down last week and this trip made me appreciate the world a little more. 

**This was written on 11/13/14 and instead of publishing it I guess (like a dummy) I accidentally saved it as a draft *facepalm*

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