
"Treat Yo Self"

This post may seem ridiculous, but trust me--there is a point.

I believe that a lot of hard working individuals forget to be a little selfish. Everyone needs at least a little bit of "me time" to stay mentally sane. Balancing "me time", a healthy social life, work, sleep, and family is an essential battle that we all need in our lives to stay mentally sane.

Whilst attending my first year, I did in fact watch a little more TV than I did at home...well...I watched a lot more TV there than I would ever do at home. I discovered the show Parks and Recreation and I finished five seasons. One of my favorite things from Parks & Rec is the relationship between Tom and Donna. Below is a clip that explains "Treat Yo Self"

(I apologize for the subpar quality on my blog, but I do recommend watching Parks & Rec)

My parents are the two most hard-working people I know. My mom is one of those people who will not treat herself because she thinks about the opportunity cost of every decision she makes, and she tends to make the economically beneficial decision. I felt prompted to make this post because on a Wednesday night she was craving sushi from a particular place about 30 minutes from our house and instead of letting her ignore her craving I forced her to be impulsive. I drove us to Pleasanton so we could have sushi. We had a really nice dinner and it made me so happy to see her enjoying herself.

It's amazing how spontaneously going out to eat in the middle of the week is normal to some people, and a luxury to others. My mom is the type of person who likes to plan everything little thing (a habit she most likely formed after running her own cafe for 16 years), and after seeing her be so selfless all these years it just made me so happy to see her relaxing for a bit. I hope she (along with all the other selfless hard workers) remembers to prioritize herself.

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