
First Year of College *check*

Well, I finished up my first year of college sooner than most do--I've been back since April 20th but I haven't made the time to write a post about it....hehe.

I got back at 2 am Sunday morning...poor daddy, he drove to Utah on Friday and I helped him drive back to the Bay Area. He did most of the driving though.
Sooooo....over the past 8 months that I lived in Utah, I accumulated A LOT of stuff... We barely fit it in the Honda Pilot (especially with Amanda in the back seat)

I LOVED my ward (mostly because of the amazing bishophric) and I wish that I got to know everyone better :( When I return in the Fall the majority of the people that I met this year will be on missions. I admire my peers for making the amazing decision to serve a mission, but it's also very bittersweet because I won't see these people for 2 whole years :(

Overall, my first year in Utah has been an incredible journey. It's been hard being 800 miles from the Bay Area especially with so many things going on at home. I'm super excited for my new apartment in the Fall, and I have a random roommate so hopefully we will coexist peaceful in our (cute) apartment :)

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