
My mom told me that she’s so excited for me to go to college.

I know it’s not just because I’m moving out, but it’s because she forwent the opportunity to attend the same private university I’m going to so she could go to CSUEB and be closer to home to take care of my grandma.

She told me she wishes she could turn back time and go to the university, but she did what she thought was the better option at the time. I could see the distant look in her eyes as she imagined what her life could be like now, and it makes my heart ache.

I’m definitely going to enjoy my youth, but I’m going to keep education my priority. I want her to be proud of me, but I don't want her to live her dream vicariously through me. When I graduate I want to be able to turn to her & say “momma, I made it”.

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