
Week One at BYU

Okay, I moved in last Sunday, and it's kind of 4am on Monday... So technically it's been a week since I moved in here at BYU. I guess I just want to recap my first week here:

  • Moving in was a lot more work than I thought, but it was super duper fun. It's definitely not the same as having my own apartment, but it's one step closer than living at home. Decorating & organizing was fun. My roommate is pretty chill, and I'm so glad that we're pretty compatible & we get along. She's super athletic, so hopeful that will help me find motivation to keep off the freshman 15 lol. Showering in a communal bathroom is totally weird, but it isn't too bad. I haven't had any difficulty in finding shower time yet (*knocks on wood*) because we all seem to shower at different times, so that's pretty cool. The fact that my dorm has a sink is so great; all the girls (or women) being able to brush their teeth inside their dorm definitely helps with the traffic in the bathroom.
(Chipman Hall, Brigham Young University)

  • Foundations of Leadership was amazing. It was out in Aspen Grove (not too far from Provo) and it was great. It was only two days long (Monday 9am - Wednesday 12pm), but it was super eventful and has actually impacted my experience at BYU in a huge way. It was such a great way to transition to BYU. People are so friendly here. The guys are so great; chivalry is NOT dead in Utah. California boys are great too (some, definitely not all). I know that not all Utah boys are perfect, but so many more of them are great compared to those in California. FOL did have some great devotionals and lessons. I definitely picked up some great pointers to keep in mind. I actually went to a leadership and dating session (LOL) and one great thing to keep in mind is that don't seek in others what you don't have in yourself. How can I expect a perfect guy when I'm not perfect myself? What is perfection even? Perfection doesn't exist. But I can't expect a guy to be super nice & generous & chivalrous if I don't put in any effort myself.
  • New Student Orientation (NSO) was super busy but also super cool. SOAR kids are everywhere, and that's super cool. I kept running into SOAR kids at FOL, during NSO, and all over campus. Met many many acquaintances during NSO, and hopefully they'll turn into friendships. What's really cool is that I kinda have an established group of friends already, and it's only the first week! We're all from California, we eat together, and just hang out with each other in general. It really helps in adjusting to college life. My roommate sometimes joins us, and we all try to plan things around each other's schedules. 
  • There are SO many activities here at BYU. NSO was super duper busy & filled with events, and there's always something going on. 
  • I went to a YSA ward for the first time. Just based on this first Sunday, I absolutely love my ward (113th ward holla). Everybody is super nice, the bishopric is amazing, and we have tons of fun activities coming up. I hate the mission age change though, having a 2:1 (or even a 3:1) girl:guy ratio is SO weird. & A lot of my guy friends(&/or acquaintances) are on missions, and honestly, I don't think some are mature enough to even do so. But anyways, it is what it is. Dating will be kind of weird, because I'm pretty sure the definition of "dating" at BYU is the equivalent to just "hanging out" in California. THE THIRST IS REAL HERE. I've heard so many girls who talk about marriage, Umm, we're freshman ?!?!! I think marriage at any point in college is kinda of young, but if a students are to get married in college, I think at least junior/senior year is way more reasonable.
  • After being busy all the time, it feels so great to just relax in my dorm
  • At BYU, THERE IS SO MUCH WALKING omg. Campus is pretty big, so if you don't know exactly where you're going, then you may end up walking 10x more than you need to.
  • There is a HUGE culture shock here. The bay area is SUPER diverse, so it's so weird for me here at BYU. It's 86% white.... and I'm always surrounded by blondes. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just now I can totally relate to the struggle people face when they say all Asians look alike. That is true to a certain point, but now for me it's kinda hard to remember people's names, because everyone is blonde here. People don't stick out to me as much. On my floor there are at least 3 Emily's, and I'm "ethnic Emily" because I'm the only Asian one LOL. But seriously, being Asian makes me stand out a lot, and that makes me feel both proud and uncomfortable at the same time. 
Okay, week one is done. Since today is technically Monday, I start class tomorrow! :O That's kinda scary. First day as a college kid! Okay, goodnight! I took a 5 hour nap earlier (from like 5pm-10pm, what a sad Sunday night) to I'm gonna try to squeeze in some more sleep before meeting the group for breakfast. Catch up with me later!

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