
It's almost time to leave California!

What?! I'm moving out in 19 days???!!!???

Moving 12 hours away from home is such an exciting and scary thing. I'm so excited to excercise my freedom and to meet new people and to decorate my dorm (and to do all the other crazy college things), but I'm also super duper nervous about moving to Utah. I'm so used to driving everywhere, it will be so weird not having a dependable method of transportation. What if my roommate & I don't get along? What do people even do for fun at BYU? What if I don't get along with my professor, how am I gonna get through my first semester successfully, etc... Sometimes it's the little things  that matter most to me.

I'm not ready to leave California. I'm gonna miss a lot of people SOOOOOOOOO much! :( I know change is an inevitable part of life, and I love meeting new people, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to my life in California :( I'll see some people down the road, but I know it won't be the same. Everyone's going their separate ways, soon it'll be super difficult to all hang out together again. 19 days left is definitely not adequate time to for me to spend time with everyone I'll miss, especially since I'll be working for 15 of them...

Time is running out and life goes on whether I'm prepared or not, so I'll hope for the best! :)

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