
Quick Recap of Senior Year

Well, just want to sum up the end of my high school career, so here we go...



  1. CVHS Girls' Tennis (Varsity Status, #holla)
  2. Mormon Prom 
  3. Leanne & I won 1st place for our Marketing Team Decision Making Roleplay @ DECA NORCAL CDC 2013! We won 2nd place overall because our written exam scores weren't exactly the best...hehe. And we placed Top 8 for our Fashion Merchandising Promotion plan for the clothing store Foreign Exchange
  4. DECA State CDC! Placed Top 8 in the whole state of California with Leanne for our Marketing Communications event
  6. Me, Daniel, & Gabbey with Mr. & Mrs. Incredible
  7. Me & Gabbey at Cars Land
  8. DECA ICDC 2013 @ Disneyland!
  9. Senior Ball 2013 @ SF Metreon
  10. Hiked Mission Peak
  11. And finally, G R A D U A T I O N ! Class of 2013 :)

Just some of the highlights of an amazing year. Definitely didn't turn out the way I expected, but it was an unforgettable year all the same.

Quick note: My life would be SO different if I didn't do DECA. DECA gave me the experience I needed to learn that I actually want to have a career in the business world. At this point I don't know what subfield I want to major in, but business is definitely the way to go! Going into accounting would secure me a job for the future, but I don't know, it sounds so tedious... Marketing is super fun! Also super competitive... International Business also sounds super cool! (Note to self: find a job with flexible hours, and preferably choice in travel. Like, I don't want to constantly get sent to random countries. I want time to travel but I also want time to enjoy life, raise a family, hang out with friends, etc...) ANYWAYS, without DECA I also probably wouldn't have met some people who are very very dear to me. Some people will always hold a place in my heart, and some people have taught me very important lessons that I will need for the future. 

Okay, this note turned out to be not so quick... 

It's hard to believe that this is the end of my high school career. "Growing up" seems so scary, but I'm excited to keep building life-long friendships and to continue making the decisions that will affect my life forever.

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