
DIY Earring Display

Let me just start off by saying that Deseret Industries (DI) is amazing and I'm both ecstatic and a little concerned for my bank account now that I've discovered its wonders. Although it's inexpensive, all the projects in my future will surely add up... Anyways, DI is a derivative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's basically a thrift store similar to Goodwill, with locations generally in areas where the LDS church membership is strong. That being said, the closest one to my house in California is about 2 hours away in Sacramento. Because of that, I've only recently experienced the goodness that DI. One of my coworkers was shocked that I've never been to one and we went together after work one day and thus (to quote my mom) another "mormon pinterest person" was born. 

I currently live alone in my apartment and I often find myself rearranging things or redecorating to make myself feel more at home. I scour Pinterest periodically for new projects or inspiration to turn my ideas into a reality. Prior to this project, I used an ugly jewelry stand and a small bowl to hold my jewelry. I knew that I wanted something new and cute to hold my jewelry but I wasn't quite sure of what exactly I wanted. I was inspired by those large picture frame jewelry displays on Pinterest and then I was off to DI to try to find something to fit my needs.

I found that super cute frame at DI for 50 cents, that blue thing for 75 cents, and the black (now) ring holder for 75 cents. I'm not quite sure what that blue thing was before, but it was orange and had an old candle melted into it, so I guess I'm technically using it upside down...? Anyways, I figured it would be perfect for my bracelets! The (now) ring holder was chipped and rusty, and the frame was...well, you can see the previous condition. 

Materials I used during my project:

acrylic paint (walmart)
burlap sheets (walmart)
super glue
foam brush

As you can see, this was a pretty simple project. Several coats of paint and lots of patience later, voila! A cute display set is born. For my next project, I'm working on finding a cute way to display my necklaces...guess this calls for another trip to DI :)

P.S. if you've actually found my blog and looked that this project, thanks for reading :)

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