
Hello 2015!

Well, lots of things happened in 2014. Some good, some bad, but overall I guess I'm grateful for every experience because I have definitely grown a lot in the past year.

It really is true what they say about how you meet a lot of temporary people between the ages of 18 and 22. In the past year (and overall) I've met those temporary people at the right time in my life. Certain people have either given me a learning experience, or they have been there for me and helped me get through a tough time. The phrase rings true--either you're a blessin' or a lesson.

A cliche often heard at this time is "New Year, New Me." and this year I guess I'm joining the herd. I really do want to better myself this year. Not necessarily just because the year has changed--it's not like I waited until January to say "okay, now I can start making changes" but the new year means a new semester and new classes and new learning opportunities. Also, I'm really starting to really appreciate that fact that I'm able to attend such a great university.

Side note--I hate how hard it is to get together with friends from high school. Throughout 2014 I began discovering which friendships I truly value because it takes a lot more effort for everyone to find the time to hang out.

I'm so blessed and grateful for the people in my life. I can't wait to see what adventures 2015 has in store ♡ Cheers to a new year!

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