
The Life of a College Student

"As a college student you're either struggling academically, financially, or emotionally. Or all three."
Honestly, I think this is the life of every single person in this world. I'm pretty sure that the majority of the human population is struggling with at least one of these issues, if not all three. I both envy and admire someone who does well in balancing these three things.

It scares me to think about how most people spend their lives working in mediocre jobs, depending on fleeting moments of happiness to get them through life. But then again I'm just an 18 year old individual, what do I know? I'm sure most young adults enter the world pursuing their ambitions, but then life gets in the way. As the responsibilities of adulthood decimate the dreams of a once youthful individual, those dreams get set aside while jobs are taken just to get the bills paid.

But this is simply how I interpret the world. I hope that as I venture on into my refined years I will remember the dreams and ambitions that I have now. I hope that I don't wake up one day and think to myself "What am I doing with my life? Have I wasted all of these years?" I hope that I will enjoy the little things in life. I hope that when I have a family of my own I will remember to cherish the time I have with husband and my children. I hope that I value every moment, even the ones where my teenage children will inevitably hate me and yell "MOM, times have changed! Things are different now."

I know that I'm definitely not supposed to focus on these things. Right now I'm supposed to focus on college, and a job would also be good to ease the financial burden on my parents. Oh, and internships... I really need to get on that. I'm supposed to make life changing decisions right now when less than a year ago I had to ask a teacher for permission to use the restroom.

My point is to remind myself that as I am struggling to find a balance between my academics, my finances, and my sanity/emotional well-being (which I am positive is a never-ending battle), I need to "stop and smell the roses" and simply remember to enjoy life.

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